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Chess is considered a game of great strategy and skill. In more detail it can be described as.....


A two-player board game played on a chessboard, a checkered gameboard with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid.

The game is played by millions of people worldwide. Chess is believed to be derived from the Indian game chaturanga some time before the 7th century. Chess reached Europe by the 9th century, and to Australia some time after that. The modern rules were standardized in the 19th century.


Skill has it's place a bit closer to home, as can be seen in the pictures below. These boards came to life on a bench in our Men's Shed. It's the first on your left as you enter the workspace as you turn after the office.


The maker was a bloke called Cliffy. A mysterious bloke with a complex character and skill set. One might think, that's an unusual name (just one word)...Is his first name Clifford or is that his last name? No one really knows...he is just known around the place as "Cliffy" the enigma. It's a bit like some other famous people with only one name. It's really not THAT uncommon, just think about it....... Kamahl or Liberace or Batman...yeah Batman had only one name, he wasn't Batman Smith was he?


These two photographs have been already published on our facebook page....


Comments as to the types of timbers used are to be seen on Facebook (see above). If you would like to know more about these boards, feel free to consult the maker, Cliffy. He is to be found standing beside the aforementioned workbench and doesn't mind a chat...he might even be wearing a black cape.....


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